Frequently Asked Questions

The word “dysfunctions” is intriguing and attention grabbing. It works well for a book, where the discussion is about an abstract team. By focusing first on the problems that teams so often encounter, readers can clearly see why virtues like trust and conflict are so necessary. When, however, the discussion is not about an abstract team, but instead about a team you are on, it becomes more beneficial to focus on behaviors - concrete, positive actions and goals that team members can learn and should work toward. This is why we’ve designed each of our Five Behaviors learning experiences in partnership with Patrick Lencioni around positive behaviors for team cohesion.

Authorized Partners are independent coaches, trainers, and consultants who incorporate The Five Behaviors® solutions into their offerings to bring added value to their clients. Offered exclusively through this network, our Partners are the source of The Five Behaviors. Working directly with Wiley, our Partners gain access to exclusive benefits, including marketing permissions, support teams, and wholesale pricing to help grow their business while leveraging The Five Behaviors Solutions.

We are happy to share our pricing with qualified independent consultants, trainers and coaches. Please contact us at [email protected] or schedule a call.

You may begin using The Five Behaviors® with your clients immediately. Upon becoming an Authorized Five Behaviors Partner, you’ll be shipped your Five Behaviors Facilitator Kits with all the materials you’ll need to conduct your trainings. Additionally, you’ll immediately gain access to our exclusive assessments administrative platform where you can begin sending your clients links to take The Five Behaviors assessments. Our Partner Support teams will reach out for an onboarding call and are available to support your needs around The Five Behaviors.

Please contact our team at [email protected] or schedule a call, with any questions you have about becoming a Five Behaviors Authorized Partner.  You can also learn more about The Five Behaviors solutions on our website.

Developed with Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors® is an assessment and facilitated learning experience that combines the framework of Lencioni’s teamwork model with personalized personality insights designed to empower teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and develop new behaviors that maximize effective collaboration and take your teams and organization to the next level.

The Five Behaviors® was developed in partnership with Patrick Lencioni, and is based on his New York Times best seller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. The Five Behaviors® brings the concepts of Lencioni’s impactful model for building cohesive teams to life with a powerful, personalized assessment and facilitated learning experience that is designed to deepen understanding and provide practical application of the model.  Each of the Five Behaviors solutions leverages the power of the DiSC model, which measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies arising from personality to help the learner deepen their understanding of themselves and others to build a cohesive team.

DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures preferences and tendencies based on an individual’s personality expressed in the DiSC® model. DiSC is an acronym for the four personality styles that make up the DISC model of behavior: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). The Five Behaviors® combines the Five Dysfunctions model with Everything DiSC® to provide participants personalized insights into their own preferences and tendencies, deepening their understanding of themselves and others. These insights are translated into actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and ultimately, their performance.

Yes. Wiley developed The Five Behaviors® in partnership with Patrick Lencioni. In fact, Lencioni is part of the learning experience as he is featured throughout the facilitated learning session in videos to help your learners understand and master The Five Behaviors.